Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Help....I just ate a packet of ham that was out of date by about 3 weeks, will I be ill?what should I do?

I just made myself some sandwiches from ham that went off on the 27th of december, stupidly I didn't realise until I ate the whole packet of ham in four sandwiches!

How ill am I going to be? is there anything I can do to prevent myself from becoming ill? The ham tasted fine though, a little bit dry, but O,K except that....Help....I just ate a packet of ham that was out of date by about 3 weeks, will I be ill?what should I do?
whats going to happen is you are going to get the raving trots, you may be lucky and nothing happens but if you start being sick as well you may have got food poisening from it, just remember to drink loads of fluids even if you sick it back up, it will stop you getting dehydrated, all you can really do is ride it out if it gets too bad see your doctor, just remember to check the dates on food in future, hope everything works out.Help....I just ate a packet of ham that was out of date by about 3 weeks, will I be ill?what should I do?
if you get nauseted and start with stomach cramps try vomitting to get rid of it.....if it tasted fine then you should be okay.. there is a lot of nitrates in that stuff and some of it lasts way past the expiry date.... if you are worried, use your finger to bring it up and out....
Learn to read.
I agree with the other comments, aslong as you didnt see any mould etc then the worst that could happen is a case of the runs. I would just drink plenty of water to flush you out just in case it turns your stomach.

Wait and see
If anything i think you might get a little sick or the squirts. Hopefully thats all.
Dont panic, yr be fine. A touch of the doggy bits. But thats about it. Peace love n Rainbows.
You'll be fine! It unlikely you'll be ill from doing that. Best before dates are usually a guide. Don't worry about it.
You shouldn't have pigged-out
Lifes a ***** aint it if we dont hear from you again poof its all over.Seriously dont worry about it Prior to introduction of date stamping which is only after all a recomendation the food industry went years without such information.Then think some of the filthy food you eat when having a takeaway smothered with sauces so you cannot detect the 3 month out of date meat.
I did this same thing yesterday, seriously. I'm fine. As long as there was no mold or anything on the ham, you should be fine.
yes be sick... to late... yuk
If the packet wasn't unopened before-hand, I am sure that it would have been fine to eat as exposition to the air was minimal. If it tasted funny or smelt bad, then it would most likely mean it had gone off. But if you didn't notice this, it may not cause you any harm.
You will probably be sick if you ate them that far out of date, if you are sick, try and have some milk of magnesia, this worked wounders for me when i had a bad curry. it settles you stomach!
Pork that is undercooked or past its used by date may contain tapeworm eggs. I suggest you get some worming tablets.
you should be fine, ham has loads of preseveratives.
You should be fine. But if your not, you will probably only get food poisoning.
you are probably fine...ham usually smells bad....the expiration date usually gives you a couple of weeks in there...most of the time those dates are for stores...itis illegal for them to sell the product after that date...
I imagine the worst that could happen is you will get a dose of 'the runs'! X