Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Terrorist attacks in the name of Jihad! Terrorists have brought good will or ill will to JIHAD word in Islam?

The real followers of Islam and Koran many times have condemned the killings by terrorist in the name of Jihad.

But many think that that Jihad means terrorism. What are the affects of this in the out look of the civilised world in thix context?Terrorist attacks in the name of Jihad! Terrorists have brought good will or ill will to JIHAD word in Islam?
Islam and Terrorism

That some Muslims are engaged in acts of terrorism is beyond question. But these acts are not confined to Muslims alone. Terrorists come from every religion. However, when it comes to Muslims, the popular media often likes to use the term Islamic terrorists or Islamic terrorism implying as if terrorism is associated with Islam.

It is our duty as Muslims to present the true picture of Islam, that Islam does not teach terrorism under any circumstances. It forbids killing of innocent civilians. The holy Book of Islam, the Quran, says: ';If anyone murders an innocent person... it will be as if he had murdered the whole of humanity.';

So, who are these Muslims who commit such heinous acts in the name of Islam? It is obvious from the above injunction of the Quran that they do not follow true Islam. Therefore, they must be driven not by Islam but some other motive (such as hate or revenge) to commit acts of terrorism.

Muslims all over the world, no matter what their mother tongue, greet (or supposed to greet) each other (and others) using the Arabic words, Assalamu 鈥楢laikum which means: Peace be unto you. There is no doubt that some Muslims, while using such a benevolent greeting, carry malevolent intentions in their hearts. The holy Book of Islam, the Quran, condemns such people by saying: ';Why do you say that which you do not practice?'; Such Muslims, therefore, do not represent Islam. Islam has nothing to do with those who commit acts of terrorism.

Therefore, it is wise to differentiate Muslims and Islam. Just as acts of terrorism committed by Christians cannot be attributed to Christianity, so do acts of terrorism committed by Muslims must not be attributed to Islam or its teachings.

There is a popular feeling in the West, and justifiably so, that Islam is a very oppressive and retrogressive religion. But this is based on wrong perception of Islam, unfortunately, due to the practice of Islam by some Islamic countries, notably Saudi Arabia, Iran, and lately Afghanistan.

Do these countries practice Islam as they profess to do so? The Quran, (unequivocally and unconditionally) says: ';There is no compulsion in religion.'; However, we see all kinds of compulsion in these countries. (The Taliban鈥檚 brand of Islam, for example, compels men to grow beard (of certain length) and women to cover up from head-to-toe; it forbids preaching other faiths, etc.) People in these countries are deprived of most of their basic human rights. They are afraid to express their opinion in public against the government鈥檚 practice of Islam for fear of persecution.

How can these countries claim to be practicing Islam when they violate its basic principle of compassion and tolerance? They practice Rajm (i.e., stoning to death) for adultery although there is no such thing in the Quran. Their rulers invoke God鈥檚 compassion, mercy, and forgiveness. By themselves, they show very little or none at all.

So, what is true Islam?

Islam is an Arabic word whose root is silm meaning peace and protection from danger. Therefore, Islam is supposed to provide an environment of peace and tranquility for all citizens, Muslims as well as non-Muslims. It is supposed to protect everyone from external or internal threats and dangers. Since religious tolerance (and respect for other faiths) is among the basic teachings of Islam, it instructs Muslims to fight and to even give their lives, if need be, to protect places of worship of other faiths such as temples, churches, and synagogues.

If Islam teaches these noble ideals to its followers, then why is there such a frightening image of Islam in the West? The answer lies in one word: Jihad, and its misrepresentation and misinterpretation in the media. However, Muslims are no less responsible for this frightening picture of Jihad either. Tyrant Muslim regimes and terrorist organizations routinely invoke Jihad or holy war to terrorize or kill innocent people to achieve their own political agendas.

The Arabic word 鈥楯ihad鈥?means struggle or exertion. There are many levels of Jihad: Struggling to remove poverty; fighting against material and moral corruption; struggling against all kinds of social, political, and economic injustices; struggling to restore basic human rights; fighting against tyranny and oppression; constantly exerting to advance human knowledge; fighting against environmental pollution, etc. And Jihad in terms of war must be declared and must be for defensive purposes only. No covert operations are allowed in Islam. Above all, Jihad must be done for the good of humanity which, in Islam, is referred to as fighting in the cause of God. Under no circumstances, they are allowed to exploit the weak and the vulnerable. That is why Islam teaches Muslims to honor treaties and to do justice 鈥?even to their enemies. It teaches them to establish their system based upon free consultation, justice, and equality. These are the teachings of the holy Book of Islam, the Quran.

However, iTerrorist attacks in the name of Jihad! Terrorists have brought good will or ill will to JIHAD word in Islam?
Islamic Jihad , according to Mohamed and his Koran , is killing / punishing those who do not accept Allah and nothing else .Killing those who accept Allah alone is unislamic. Peace should be maintained among Muslims only.Others should be killed or punished by the levy of protection money in the name of Jizzia - the poll tax as levied by Aurangzeb , the devote Muslim ruler of India .The temples and places of worship of other faiths should be taken over as done by the Muslim rulers of India in Kasi ( Banaras), Mathura etc , just to insult their faiths and Gods.This was not a peaceful act by any ruler when he does it to his own subjects treating them as enemies om account of their following a different faith.!

Islam thinks that Satan can be in the stone pillars in Mecca and asks the followers to pelt stones at the pillars .will not the same Satan be in the stones pelted at the pillars . If Satan can be in the pillars , is it difficult for God to be inside this when the devotee want Him and invoke him in a beautiful idol he makes for the same God ? How is Islam justified in condemning idol worship?
Jihad = Self struggle

Jihad is struggle within to make a better person out of yourself. The terrorist had not only hijacked my religion but also hijacked the word ';Jihad';.

Jihad doesn't mean terrorism. Terrorism in Arabic means ';Irhab';. Jihad doesn't mean holy war either, as holy war is only a misconception of Islam.
I think that one difference between the jihadists and the other ideologies is that most of them (today, at least) say that they are willing to accept other ideologies and live in -- to recall the old Soviet-speak -- ';peaceful coexistence';. Soviet communism has pretty much gone away, as has national socialism. The Chinese are certainly not communists and are more interested in exporting plastic pumpkins than any sort of ideology.

The Islamics, on the other hand, seem to follow a pattern of eliminating anyone within their borders who does not accept their religion, shari'a, and values in general -- look at the Christians in places like Iraq or the Baha'i in Iran, or the animists in Dar fur!

Even in non-traditional-islamist countries like some in Europe, as the islamist become a more and more powerful voting bloc, they are less and less willing to use the ballot for their aims and more and more likely to use finely-calibrated violence.

The islamists -- or at least, those who pull their strings -- are smarter in one way than we are. They know that medieval Islams cannot peacefully exist with the liberal democracy typical of most of Europe, North America, Japan, and Oceania. They know that there is a war underway right now and it will be a war culminating not in victor and vanquished, but in survivor and extinction.
For most of my life, what I knew about Islam would fit on the back of your fingernail. The term ';moslem'; brought to mind things like 'Laurence of Arabia', 'Sinbad the Sailor', '1001 Arabian Nights', or even 'Ahab the Arab'...

When I thought of Islam at all, which wasn't really too likely to happen, since it just wasn't a part of my world, I thought of handsome, dashing Arabian princes, or wealthy oil sheiks, with harems full of beautiful dancing girls.

And that would describe the understanding of most young middle class American kids in the sixties, I would think.

Then came 911. Pictures of rioting crowds of strangely dressed people dancing in the streets, celebrating, as innocent people died in a horrible explosion began to fill the television screen, and suddenly, it became important to figure out why the hell anyone would purposely crash an airplane into a building.

I began to scour the internet, looking for any information I could find on Islam. I even went so far as to get myself a copy of the koran. I have read much conflicting information from many different sources.

I still don't know any Muslims personally...but now, I don't think I really want to. Most Muslims might not be terrorists, but it does seem that most terrorists are Muslims, and, unfortunately, they don't have any identifying least not that I would recognize. I would even suspect the old Granny in her hajib...for all I know, she could be hiding a bomb under that thing. And who could blame her, if she were, since evidently in Islam most women wind up in hell. She's old, she knows she's going to die...and martyrs do go to Paradise....even if they did pave the road with blood...

You ask me what the term Jihad has done for public relations with Islam? It has spawned fear and hatred for believers in the religion. I know that is sad...but the plain fact is that nobody wants to have their head sawed off...
jihad has bought ill will,only keeping names of muslim r not enough to b muslim or Moreen,Islam is peace then how they can go against peace,if they r of faith Islam where Islam in them,jihad is against our own evils not other innocents,if some body is harming u or ur faith then com in the battle Field give him open call to fight u then i be live u r real follower of u r faith,he to will b ready to fight with u, coming with weapon and killing Innocent open handed people is not jihad it is ha ram,
They have not brought good will to the Jihad word...from my understanding, Jihad means 'struggle' mostly like a struggle within yourself...these people that use this word have turned it into Hitler's 'Mien Kampf' (My Struggle) thinking they need to kill everyone that doesn't believe like them or who are Jewish.
To me their idea of a Jihad makes no sense.A person cannot tell God I am comming to heaven you owe me because I did anything violent or not.To me anyone can be faithful for the ten seconds it takes to explode a bomb.It take real faith to try to live ones faith and help other people live theirs.
ill will. If there is an Allah I'd hate to be a terrorist in the next life!!! terrorist is not a freedom fighter. A freedom fighter doesnt go around killing innocents and using retarded girls for human bombs. It is nothing but a murderer plain and simple. As violent as they are, they are no match for an all powerful being.
They have acted on what is written in the book. Infinity has answered very well and i have the same answer, muslims read the koran with one eye closed. Its time for them to read with both eyes, belief is the base for any behavior.
Please Ivestigate more on Islam and dont believe everything you hear in the media.
Jihad = effort.

Only perpetuation of false information and propaganda has promoted jihad to mean ';holy war.';
It means holy war.
misconception within non muslims. thanks to medias.

terrorist are brutal group of maniacs and don't represent any religion.

hope this helps u
the affect = muslims get henpecked as crazy suicidal murders

even though they aren't.
Well what do you think the effects are? People see it as insanity or even criminal. All religions have their crazies.
I guess maybe you good muslims should declare jihad on the bad muslims.

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