Tuesday, January 19, 2010

If my girlfriend moves in with me will my council tax go up? shes on the dole at the mo as shes very ill?

if she moves in and i dont tell my landlord or estate agents. what will happen?If my girlfriend moves in with me will my council tax go up? shes on the dole at the mo as shes very ill?
look ryyy, why dont you just try and make more money to help ur problems? here you go i work here its a work at home place and i make A LOT of money here =] and im very happy with it

horiz. webs. com/home. htmlIf my girlfriend moves in with me will my council tax go up? shes on the dole at the mo as shes very ill?
Ryyy is she on income support or dla? firstly i would advice you to go and visit your local Citizens Advice Bureaux they are the best organisation that is willing to help people in your situation and will be able to give you the best information, support and tell you how to deal with the situation as much as you can. Look in your yellow pages there will be an adress and contact telephone no. maybe give them a call.

hope ur gf gets well soon

wapitona x

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