Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How is goodwill and/or ill-will created for an organization?

Good will is created when the motivations of people inside the organization are noble and for the common good. Ill will is created when people 's motivation are just for their own aspirations and selfish dreams.How is goodwill and/or ill-will created for an organization?
Good will could be created by Corporate social Responsibility schemes (CSR) and supported by good public relations . Ill will will be created by companies acting in an unethical way and has no proper public relation strategy.How is goodwill and/or ill-will created for an organization?
Generally by people to people interactions but sometimes by broader corporate decisions. Goodwill can be created when someone has a particularly positive interaction with an org, when someone goes out of their way to help a customer or get something done. Ill will is created when someone is treated rudely or unfairly. The bad part is that ill will can sometimes be created for an organization by an individual employee who is going completely against company policy or practice.

Good will or ill will can also be created by corporate generosity to charity (or stinginess), by discrimination policies, by making products in a certain place . . . you name it! And it can turn on a dime . . .

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