Saturday, December 26, 2009

How to protect yourself from ill will and people that want to hurt you?

No matter how positive I try to be and cheerful and friendly to people,there always seems to be someone trying to ruin my day.I can almost feel their negativity and see the hatred in their eyes.I have had periods in my life where this has been not true but for the past 3 years this has really wore down my resistance to the point of where I do not know what to do anymore .

It's almost as if I had done something to them that they feel the need to want to see me ruined financially and by word of mouth.There have been some positive things to lift my spirit occasionally to keep me afloat emotionally to make me believe that people are not bad,but somehow I think I am losing the fight.

Any suggestions?How to protect yourself from ill will and people that want to hurt you?
how old are you?

you are fighting a losing battle and unless you toughen up...chances of you being happy is not going to be easy.

forget about how others think about you. people ar jerks and nothing makes most of them happier than to find some weak prey to chase down and kill.

forget about 'trying' to get people to like you. just be yourself and you will naturally draw the people you are compatible with in a more suitable manner. 'wannabes' have a tough time because they dont belong in a certain social situations. a nerd having with cool people is equally out of place with a cool guy hanging out with the nerds. btw, the nerd will be much much much more successful than any of the cool people.

honestly, it sounds like you are making things out to sound more like a drama. i know of very few, okay, really none, situations where one casual relationship is trying to 'destroy' the other person. that is very immature high school drama. your description of them trying to get you is also typical of narcissistic individuals with not a whole lot going on in their lives and they create drama and focus themselves in this self created (and possibly imaginary non-existent) situation.

if youre thriving on the positive things to lift your spirits, youre living in a dreamland to think that most people gives a rats behind about your positive experiences. the only people that want you to have a positive experience are waiters (bigger tip and getting less and less that way) and car salesman. everyone else has at best a superficial concern for your point in your life anyway. doesnt sound like you have luck scoping out good friends that you can trust.

relationships are hit and miss buddy. good luck, cover up your nads and go get 'em! when you get kicked, hopefully it wont hurt as much!How to protect yourself from ill will and people that want to hurt you?
Ignore them if they are negative. You will not find a world without them. You cannot be liked by everyone. There is the story about the man and the Donkey. When he led it some said he was stupid because he did not ride it. When he rode it some said he was cruel and should carry the donkey. And when he carried the donkey some said he is a fool.
In my life, there are the same kinds of people. It is sad that we do not live in a perfect world. For me, I have to battle thoughts that it is ';about me'; when someone mistreats me. In reality ';hurt people, hurt people';. We are all prone to hurt people. For me The Lord Jesus Christ is the only savior that has worked. I would not want to live without Him. If you are not a believer, try asking God to reveal himself to you if He truly exists. I promise you, you will get an answer. I hope this helps. I am powerless over other people, places and things. If nothing changes, nothing changes.
Force them into mistakes.Outsmart them.When one does come ,take him.keep them angry.Summons if you can.It is a trade.It fun.
maybe one of your friends is an energy vampire. but thats just a suggestion.
if you believe in magick carry a bay leave with you at all times and place bowls of salt at the corners of your room, this will drain the negative energy and you will feel better immediatley after and burn an inscence of cinnamon, sandalwood, thyme and rosemary this will help with the cleansing. you can cleanse your room by cleaning it and burning the cleansing inscence and smudging your room. ring a bell in all corners of your room to awaken all of the negative energies and sweep them out with the inscence. you can also sprinkle crushed up bay leaves in your room on the floor and sweep them out for protection. i personally keep a sachet of salt over my bed to help keep bad thoughts and dreams out of my head when i sleep. i also sprinkle some outside my window to keep negativity away. another thing you can do is if you can get ahold of smokey quartz place it by the salt in the corners of your room and this will help. you must remember that THIS DOES NOT SUBSTITUTE AS PROTECTION FROM PHYSICAL HARM...k?



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