Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Here is yet another reason for health care reform. How many terminally ill people will force their families?

into bankruptcy?

http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Pfizer-to-鈥?/a>Here is yet another reason for health care reform. How many terminally ill people will force their families?
I have friend who has lucky enough to survice Leukemia, not once, not twice but three times.

He is a well educated man with a good job, medicare is certainly not an option. However, becuase he as undergone chemotherapy several time and survived cancer a few times no insurance company will touch him.

All of his medical expenses are out of pocket. His parents cashed in their 401K, sold the family home in their late 60's returned to work to help pay for his treatments. He 2 jobs and does freelance work just to cover his medical bills. He has had to move into an apartment with his parents since here is nothing left at the end of the month for him to make rent on his own.

So you have a 35 year old man, well educated, self sufficient. Very fortunate to still be here will have to spend the rest of his life working around the clock and still living in poverty. His parents will never actually get to retire.

How is this fair. As a side not, prior to his first diagnosis - he had insurance, which was cut off mid treatment.Here is yet another reason for health care reform. How many terminally ill people will force their families?
How many? Many.

Why is this a reason for health care reform? I don't know - why do people assume the government will make the situation better rather than worse?

To some, ';let the government take care of it'; seems to be the answer to every question, with no thinking required. It's like the government has replaced God for them, and they just believe things will magically improve.
Actually the link you provided has nothing to do with terminally ill people going into bankruptcy. It has to do with a drug company promoting it's drugs in a way that is not allowed. If anything that article is proof that the current system of laws works!

Bash... what is medical bankruptcy? Were did you get your figure of 700,000?
700,000 people each year file for medical bankruptcy in America
ITs incredible what health care costs...And we need health care reform now.

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