I think there is an appropriate way to say you do not agree with another. I respectfully disagree usually works.
Personally, I do feel there is validity on all paths.Can someone think you are wrong, and say so, without bearing you any ill will, and even being friendly?
I have some atheist friends who think I'm totally nuts for being a Christian. They think I'm dead wrong, and say so on a rather frequent basis. Also, there's a local minster who likes to tease me for being a member of a different denomination, but still calls me up for lunch dates. We get along just fine. Any teasing is of the gentle variety. We know that we have differing viewpoints on the issue of religion, but are quite friendly nonetheless. There are many non-religious points that we can agree on, and we tend to find the common ground rather than attempting to tear each other down based on our differences. I have many friends who differ with me in terms of religion, politics and more, but we're cordial about it. I don't expect everybody to share my beliefs.
It is possible, however most people think that when referring to religion that you must pick one side or the other. I have disagreed with many people yet I stay grounded and friendly because I realize with all that God has and is, I just might not know as much as I would like to believe that I do.
We can't know what God has planned for someone else in this life and to say that someone is 'wrong' in their interpretation or path is probably not wise in the sense that we do not know the mind of God and His plans for this person and situation.
Therefor I do believe that they are all equally valid and should be kept on a friendly level....aren't we all just seeking the same things?
There's nothing inherently unfriendly about disagreeing with someone. Indeed I consider it quite nice when someone takes the time to point out an error in my thinking. Of course it's only helpful if they have something to back it up. If someone tells me I'm wrong but can't explain why, that's a bit annoying.
Well, of course, it is possible.
But, when it comes to matters of faith, it is very difficult.
Spiritually speaking, of course.
This happens between mature Christians. Those with an emphasis on truth only, these are they that are quick to argue.
And no, not all paths are equally valid.
No, it's possible to disagree (see, just did it!)
It is possible, but it is rare in this world.
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