I don't...Do you ever think of ill-will towards your ex?
No, we get along better now, we interact well on issues concerning our daughter. He is married to the woman he left me for, but she is actually very nice. I'm happier, he's happier- so there's nothing to feel ill about.Do you ever think of ill-will towards your ex?
nope...since im popular (not to brag or anything) me and my boyfriends usually stay friends =]
only one and that is because they led me to believe that we were going to be together forever. and after they got what they wanted out of me(and it was not sex) they left me. all they wanted was for me to get them close to my used to be best friend.
Me either. I would never wish that even on my worse enemy.
Hell, I still think ill-will toward my present.
I really regret being married.
It's been well over 20 years since we split up and I accept him for the person he is and don't judge him. We are all individuals and we live our lives in different manners according to our thoughts and beliefs.
I always try not to judge others.
NEVER he is my neighbor and I love him deeply. We take care of each other not in an intimate way we are more like brothers and sisters now. I clean his house and do his laundry and trim the trees and I even do windows. He helps me with the palm trees and things that break around here and he makes sure I am safe while my husband is away. When my Husband is home they watch football or some sports on TV while I take care of them. Sometimes they go to the casinos or out to golf I am glad the my husband made me repair the relationship for our daughters sake!
Just this one. We remained friends after the breakup, but things went for the worst when he stopped writing or calling his daughter. Then I have to hear her cry on her birthday and ask me if he doesn't love her anymore b/c he didn't call or send her a gift. You bet I think bad about him.
no...he's deceased.....but even if he wasn't....I would hold no ill will toward him...that's just not how I operate
No...that's not very nice. lol. No matter how much I despise my ex, I would never wish ill-will.
no...I did for a bit, but have heard of his hard times and kinda feel bad for him.
No, I have no ill-will towards my ex.
But we all know you are not interested in my answer, Mr. 19,000 points.
There are dating sites on the web, you know.
My EX what?? No, I hope he is very happy and has 12 kids and is deeply in love with 3 women at a time!! Nothin' but Love for Ya Baby!!
I don't think that. I leave it in karma's hands :)
No I don't .I take car of him after a series of strokes. I'm not quite sure what I think.He was a lousy husband,father and provider. Maybe I feel pity .
I used too, because she thought ill-will of me, and was really horrible too me when we broke up for no reason....
But I got over that... Whats the point in thinking horrible things about somoene when they arn't worth your time...
I usually am never someone who thinks these things about an ex, this was a particualy unusuall situation however....
I have no exes. Dont plan on having them either.
yes , the person that is now in my life, yet i forgive him everyday, or how else can i continue.
no usually I just have ill will towards my husband
No, he is going on his 4th marriage. He is my amusement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. His own Karma took care of that. In fact, now I only remember the good times.
only when he ticks me off or does something that hurts one of the kids ( not physically)..like saying he is going to take them somewhere but doesn't show up......
No never, even though he is trying to take the kids off me, well maybe they are better off with him anyway idk anymore, but never wish ill-will towards him, he is just still hurting(even though its been a year)!
No, I usually wish they will find happiness and contentment with someone else.Most of mine are still very good friends.
It's required
No... not a single one. Not even the jerks... I wish them all the best.
No, I'm just not friends with them.
I for one, am an imperfect being and in moments of frustration and confusion I have thought of ill will towards my ex. Upon reflection, I reject those thoughts immediately. My ex, on the other hand hates me openly.
No, even though I know she hates me, I still wish some one could give her what I couldn't.
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