Saturday, January 23, 2010

Do wrong pronouncing of the sanskrit slokas will cause ill effect.?

yes and no. if you are reciting vedic verses with faith and due respect to the deities (some rituals like poojas need to be performed too i guess) then even it is mispronounced then it will still be ok and otherwise. it is recommended that you recite them under the guidance of an experienced reciter. some mantras are very powerful and can cause adverse effects even if pronounced correctly. my guru was telling a story of a woman who's been chanting mantra OM for days and nights and only to see her kids die. OM is not recommended for women, they should use SHREE instead.

i learnt how to read sanskrit and recite upanishads time to time.

its not really difficult to learn how to read sanskrit. although it is recommended to have a correct pronunciation, i still have doubts about it. for example the word knowledge 'gyani' according to the rules should be pronounced as 'gyani' but in some parts of india pundits pronounce it as 'jyiani' and all of them are convinced that they are pronouncing it correctly.

or for example the visarga. it should be pronounced as 'h', like german 'ch' but accepted pronunciation is that the preceding vowel repeated along with the exhalation.

so if you have faith and confidence may be you can recite vedas yourself but still if you have opportunitity to consult with a pundit/guru thatd be great.

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