Monday, May 10, 2010

I just posted a question about which psycho dictator will support Obam next considering Kim Jong Ill recently?

added his name to the list of anti-american supporters of Obama. I receieved a few typical Lib responses such as being glad the rest of the world is accepting us now, and of course, at least its not Bush. Are these Libs. who put Bush in the same category as people who daily kill their own citizens, restrict almost all freedoms, and are overall insane really that far gone?I just posted a question about which psycho dictator will support Obam next considering Kim Jong Ill recently?
They simply do not understand how what goes on in the rest of the world. They get a lot of their information from the boob tube. Not actual people who have lived under these regimes.

One of my liberal friends actually stated he'd feel more comfortable alone in a room with Saddam Hussein than GWB. Naturally this was prior to the seperation of Hussein's brain stem from his carcass.

Rush Limbaugh used to have a ';game show'; on his program called Terrorist or Democrat? He'd give you a quote and asked everyone who would have said this? It was hilarious, in a frightening jaw-dropping way.I just posted a question about which psycho dictator will support Obam next considering Kim Jong Ill recently?
You bet cha!!! sheeple and empty heads they are everywhere, and when the big hawk lights, they will be standing around wondering just what the hell happended. when obamas armies come to their towns!!! just like in the movie RED DAWN!!!! it could and will happen here if we get the wrong leadership, good grief look at kenya, killing people who do not side with mugambe, a friend of obamas, wake up America!!!! for Gods sakes the Man is lying to everyone, that suave debionair devil is a liar!!!!!!
I thought the ruler of South Korea was Kim Jong the Second, not Kim Jong the Third!

And where did you hear this guy was supporting Obama? Maybe I need to add him to the list of the OBAMA FIFTEEN!
Its because Obama being a Democrat won't use any force of any kind on these two bit dictators. McCain won't hesitate if they get out of line.

They hated: Reagan, both Bushes, Nixon, JFK, LBJ

They liked: Carter, Clinton
without a system of checks and balances cheney could be just as bad
obama will be worse than kim jong,be warned america.
robert deniro
All of them! And liberals think we should be trying to make nice with those assholes!
WTf is this garbage!

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