Friday, May 14, 2010

Consider yourself a parent: If you fell ill, would you tell your daughter?

If you were a parent of an 18 year-and your thyroid condition worsened; your blood pressure shot up (big time) - as did your cholesterol, would you feel obligated to tell your daughter or would you not tell her in order to prevent her worrying?

And if your child found out (because her cousin told her) would you expect her to confront you or continue playing the ';i don't know you have health problems'; game?

Now, consider yourself the 18 year-old daughter in question : Would you feel like your mother should have told you about her health condition?Consider yourself a parent: If you fell ill, would you tell your daughter?
You better get to communicating with your child--life is life and it isn't always very nice--we all have to take the good with the bad. ..especially family illness. Honesty and caring are the 2 big lessons here. Don't worry--she will understand and help if you just be honest and open. you aren't the only one sick in this world--millions of families have sickness and it brings family closer together when the truth is shared. I really wish you all the best with everything. Please pray and feel better.Consider yourself a parent: If you fell ill, would you tell your daughter?
I so much believe in telling the truth to kids about health issues. It sounds like your situation is perhaps a little complicated with who told who about what at this point but, I think the best advice is to sit down with your daughter and tell her the truth about what's going on. Assure her that you will tell her the truth about your health (and about everything, for htat matter) from now on and then stick to your word. My mother got sick when I was 18 yrs old and we kids ( 4 of us between 13 and 21 yrs old) only found out because my mom couldn't deal with all the housework anymore so she got really angry at us for not helping and we didn't understand what the big deal was. She finally told us she had cancer but it was no big deal, she just didn't have enough energy. (this was over 30 years ago) She knew all along that she was very ill and would only live for another year or so. She continured ot deny how sick she was and didn't even tell some of her friends until three weeks before she died. I don't understand this attitude about illness and death at all. I think kids deserve to be told about their parents lives and illnesses. I think no matter how old the kids are, they can deal with it better if they are told the truth. Chances are really high that they know a lot about what's going on anyway but, can't deal with it in a healthy way because it's all hush-hush. They probably hear things that they don't understand but they know the news is not good. They probably feel like there are secrets being kept from them and they figure it's because there are bad things going on but they don't know why or what or even how to ask because it's a forbidden subject. Their fears are often greater than they would be if they were told the truth and could be offered support instead of remaining ignorant. Please tell your family the truth. I am now 52 years old and my mother died when I was 21 and I still don't understand and I still haven't forgiven her for not being able to come to terms with being able to talk to us about it.
Yes, you should tell her and yes I would be mad if I were your daughter and you hadn't told me.
my mom doesn't tell me about everything that happens to her and it doesn't bother me. As long as she doesn't need anything, her body is not really any of my business. The way I see it is that she is an adult and I am an adult. If she wants to tell me, I will listen. If she doesn't, it's her business. If I suspected something was wrong, I would (and do) ask her about it, and if I think she needs help, I offer it. But overall, I don't nag her about it. I would only feel betrayed if she needed something and didn't ask for it, or if she was dying and didn't give us any prep time.
what are the benefits of burdening an 18 year old with this? if you are dying, yes, of course tell her so that she can prepare for your death. sometimes as parents we need to consider our children's emotional state. i see no reason to tell her. at 18, she has a lot of her own issues also.


let the thumbs down commence.
Sense I am 18, and my mother had something that she didn't think was a big deal...didn't tell me, and then she died from it later on.

Yes, tell her.

Because something could happen and you will feel bad for leaving her out of it.
In all honesty, I wouldn't tell any of my children. But that's probably NOT the right thing to do. I just don't tell anyone family or friends about my health problems....I don't want things to change, you know how I'm treated and such.
Yes she is old enough to know and big enough to handle it and I would be pissed if my mom didn't tell me she was sick
yes I would tell my daughter. I was 18 when my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and we all found out right away. It made it easier on my mom because we were there supporting her and when she got emotional or upset for what seemed like no reason I knew it was because she was scared for her children, and scared of dying. Being the 18 year old I was happy my mom let me know what was going on because I realized how precious life is and that my mom could be gone and it made me reflect on how great my mom is. My mom is still alive which I'm very thankful for because she's my best friend, but I'm also very cautious when she says she doesn't feel well, and I don't push her and I let her rest when she needs to so she doesn't get the cancer back.

Secondly, my daughter, or son for that matter needs to know what kind of health problems run in our family for our own medical records and to take precautions to better our lives. If my mom didn't tell me about her cancer I would not play the I don't know game I would have been hurt and let her know that I was upset she didn't trust me enough to let me know what was going on.

I don't need to know every time my mom get's a physical or has the flu, but for something life threatening I better know what's going on to be prepared for my own future. This is how I will be with my children too. If heaven forbid I got very ill I would tell them what was going on so they could prepare themselves for their own lives and for what may ultimatly be the end of mine.
Honesty is the best policy. How can you both comes to terms with any illness together if you don't communicate. What if...and only what if..your condition turned to something potentially fatal. Look at the time you would have lost playing games that you could have spent deepening your relationship. Saying things you wanted to say. Giving and receiving even more love. No regrets is the better path
Coming from someone with thyroid disease. I would be very open with your daughter. She's not really a ';child'; anymore. Just explain to her what's going on, so she may understand your anxiety and stress level. Then let her know what the doctors and you are doing to correct it. If my child found out I would definitely want them to come to me about it. Thyroid disease isn't going to kill you as long as you medicate it. Just be open and honest and stay on your doctor to get you regulated.
I would let my kids know! My mom pass away when I was young. My Dad told all of us what was going on so that we had a better understanding of what was to come. She has that right to know. You should sit down with her and tell her and explain why you didn't tell her right away!
Hon, those aren't health conditions, how about if your breast cancer came back, what would you do? Now that is a problem to worry about. Daughter stop your whining and grow up. So what if Mom didn't tell you. It's no biggy!
I think an 18-year-old can definitely handle the information and maybe even be able to help you through it. I'm sure the stress on your end is not helping your condition either. As a daughter, I would definitely want to know so that I could be there for my mom.

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