Who would you want on your Death Panel:
Glenn Beck and Rush or Hillary and Michele ?????
I'm just sayin'If you or your family were seriously ill, would you rather have a Liberal or Conservative on your Death Panel?
To put this in perspective.... You probably should add that right now, we exclusively have wealthy conservatives on those panels, who increase their profits by denying you coverage, and as a result, tens of thousands are dying every month.If you or your family were seriously ill, would you rather have a Liberal or Conservative on your Death Panel?
Deny Coverage:
';Cost Savings';
The biggest denier of claims is MEDICARE...directly from the AMA:
PAGE 2 metrics 12, 13, 14. PAGE 5 expansion of metric 12.
The codes for denial are in there. The most frequent are
1. Double-Submission of claim - deny one
2. Explicitly not covered by policy - deny claim
3. Not part of the group - deny claim
Why people don't understand that the profits are worked into the policy from day 1 by means of statistical mapping no different than Las Vegas Casinos is beyond me.
Stop watching Erin Brokavich -- simply doesn't happen as you intend to present. There is simply too much risk involved in trying to dupe policy holders. To do so would be a rapid arrival to bankruptcy. The Media loves stories where they can hang insurance companies to dry...as do Judges.
A prime example would be the current coverage that insurance companies are making record profits when it turns out their profit margin is only 3%...a lousy investment for any investor. They paint pictures of people dying in emergency rooms or on the streets b/c of denied claims. This is nothing more than marketing to get the health bill through Congress.
Do you due diligence and stop spreading this rhetoric. You do yourself and anyone willing to believe it a disservice.
I am really pleased with my insurance company, they cover everything that is needed.
I would rather have my conservative private policy deciding my fate, not the public option
substandard liberal care denying me anything but aspirin.
I agree with the people who say the politicians should be stuck using the public option.
I'd take an insurance panel any day of the week, over a government bureaucrat you can't sue. Litigation often brings about substantial change in insurance boards' minds. This won't and can't happen with government death panels. And when we're subject to their decisions, there is NO alternative, like with private insurance.
And frankly, Beck and Rush have better hearts than Michelle and Hillary,
It depends.
If the death tax goes up and you have money you didn't get from the government, the liberals will recommend you be euthanized for the money as your patriotic duty.
If there is no death tax and you don't have any money, it won't matter.
If you're dying from drug addiction or aids, the liberals will keep you alive, put you in a program and give you a life time achievement award.
Conservative. Chances are he actually has an idea of how the medical process is supposed to work! Libs don't live in the real world. They think everything worth knowing can be found in college text books.
Libs still haven't come to realize that ';increased'; access means ';better'; care. ';Better'; care means longer lives. Thus, they are going to dead end our entire health care system like they have dead ended Social Security.
The reason the term ';compassionate conservative'; exists because typically conservatives are NOT compassionate, so of course most people would choose liberals to make their life %26amp; death decisions if forced to pick.
A conservative unquestionably. A Liberal would do a half harted measure that would only waist assets %26amp; be totally worthless, but the liberal would feel good because he spent some';Rich'; persons money.
A conservative. Both sides would do about the same, but the liberal would somehow get my money in the process.
I'd be looking for compassion, so I'd prefer a conservative. However, I live in Canada. We have a publicly-funded health care system which operates well without death panels.
Easy! I pick Glenn Beck or Rush ! They hate progressives plan to kill off more people and hate those Chairman Mao progressive supporters! Mao's' death panels killed about 50 million people.
Conservative. Liberals wouldn't even admit that they are sitting on a death panel even as they decided your fate.
Since there is no such thing a a death panel, your question is pretty pointless.
I would be worried if I were an elderly person that the libs would be anxious to pull the plug. Once you stop working and paying taxes you are of no use to them anymore.
I would rather not have to go in front of a Death Panel.
It depends on my age. If I were old, the libs would think that I was not that important anymore.
right, you're just sayin'
Neither I think I should be the only one ';on'; the bed.
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