Monday, May 10, 2010

If i threaten debt collectors that i ill committ suicide will they leave me alone?

i'm actually contemplating it if they don't leave me aloneIf i threaten debt collectors that i ill committ suicide will they leave me alone?
nopeIf i threaten debt collectors that i ill committ suicide will they leave me alone?
The people who knock on your door get commission on any money they recover. If you die, they can collect the lot from your estate so they'll pressurise you all the more. Go and see Citizens Advice and they'll help you find a way out of this mess.
They'll still take your assets when you're dead!
They will probably hassle you more to get their $$$ before you off yourself.
Go to CAB, get a debt resolution plan, at the end of the day you have got to pay your debts, but there are ways to do it even on the smallest income and this will stop any action from debt collectors.

NB you can afford the internet so you can afford to set up these plans.
Hell no, don't do that!

The bstrds cannot harrass you - there are plenty of ways out of these situations, perhaps you could contact debt advisory service. Whether you need to consider an IVA or even bankruptcy, it would be very foolish to kill yourself over all this. It's only money and life is worth more than that!!;sou鈥?/a>
You could get a referral from your doctor to a psychiatric service. In some countries they will then act as an intermediary between you and the debt collectors and help sort out the problems.
Heck, it's only money - not worth ending your life over.

But why haven't you paid your debts?
you do that they sell your shoes to make their cut.
They are heartless. What you can do is declare bankruptcy. It's more difficult to do so but you should try. Also, you need to talk to a mental health professional.
If it was that simple, everyone would be doing it to avoid paying their bills. Debt Collectors are only in business to collect on behalf of third parties. If everyone paid what they owed, they would be out of business. Ignoring bills does not make them go away. You sound like you need some serious debt counselling. Try the Citizens Advice Bureau, they are very helpful and the advice is free.
Debt Collectors don't really care how they get the money from you - dead or alive - don't assume they have any compassion. You need to get help so that these parasites stay away from your door. Go to citizens advice and ask for help with negotiating with the lenders. Do it today...teh longer you elay teh worse it'll get!
You can do one of 2 things..which I find works..and I get perverse pleasure in...

1) As soon as they call and start their little speech.,..politely interrupt them and say 'hang on just a sec'...then don't hang up on them, but lay the phone down and go on with your day. They have to hang onto the call for so many minutes, all the while you are doing what you want. I get perverse pleasure in doing this one.

2) You can interrupt their little speech by law you have to inform them you are recording all calls for personal and legal reasons. They will hang up immediately.

Or change your phone number. Or just have it turned off and get a decent cell phone plan and just use that. Bill collectors are not a reason to commit suicide. Seriously, if it was I would have been dead a long time ago. Just try and realize that on the other end of the line is an ordinary person who is just doing their job like everyone else. They get up in the morning, put their pants on the same as everyone else. Them calling you is nothing personal to you, it is just their job.

You could also try and pay a debt or 2 off. Even slowly you will eventually be able to do it.

I wish you the best of luck


There are far better solutions. This problem won't go away. You could try negotiating with your credtors. They legally have to act in your best interest. They may agree to things like suspending interest, not adding further penalty fees, taking reduced installments, or even agreeing to accept a smaller sum in full and final settlement.

You could also consider using an IVA or a declaration of bankruptcy.
dont open the door to them. dont even acknowledge their existence.
they won't stop calling until you talk to them and negotiate how you will pay your bill. You can't just avoid them. They have every legal right to do it UNLESS you are in a bankruptcy, which in that case your attorney would need to send a cease and desist letter.
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